Some Recent Projects


Our professional staff have the ability to analyze your building requirements and recommend an alternative building solution to meet your needs. Our manufacturing facility provides all the quality, precision and consistency you would expect, from a leading Company.

iTHEMBA supplies alternative building solutions to both big and small clients throughout SA and Africa. We provide both permanent and temporary building solutions for mine housing, gap housing, residential, schools, clinics, contractors camps and emergency housing applications. Materials are all manufactured and assembled on site and can be delivered by road or sea to any destination on the African continent.

The opportunity exists for a licensing agreement to be established for a manufacturing facility in other African countries thereby creating further employment, sustainable skills training and up liftment.


There are inherent advantages to building under controlled conditions by applying the efficiencies of factory production to on-site construction.

iTHEMBA’S Modular Building System is a solid walled, rapid building system, requiring low skilled labour for construction.

The Modular Building System enables us to achieve a high quality permanent house or building at a relatively low cost and in substantially less time than conventional building methods.

  • Shortage of skilled trades people
  • Availability of building materials in remote/rural areas
  • Maintaining construction quality
  • Building structures at competitive prices